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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Operations
Consolidated Statements of Operations (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders’ Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Reporting Segments
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments
Reserve for Property-Liability Insurance Claims and Claims Expense
Reserve for Life-Contingent Contract Benefits and Contractholder Funds
Deferred Policy Acquisition and Sales Inducement Costs
Capital Structure
Company Restructuring
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities
Income Taxes
Statutory Financial Information and Dividend Limitations
Benefit Plans
Equity Incentive Plans
Supplemental Cash Flow Information
Other Comprehensive Income
Quarterly Results (unaudited)
Schedule I - Summary of Investments Other than Investments in Related Parties
Schedule II - Condensed Financial Information of Registrant
Schedule III - Supplementary Insurance Information
Schedule IV - Reinsurance
Schedule V - Valuation Allowances and Qualifying Accounts
Accounting Policies
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Acquisition (Tables)
Reporting Segments (Tables)
Investments (Tables)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments (Tables)
Reserve for Property-Liability Insurance Claims and Claims Expense (Tables)
Reserve for Life-Contingent Contract Benefits and Contractholder Funds (Tables)
Reinsurance (Tables)
Deferred Policy Acquisition and Sales Inducement Costs (Tables)
Capital Structure (Tables)
Company Restructuring (Tables)
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Statutory Financial Information and Dividend Limitations (Tables)
Benefit Plans (Tables)
Equity Incentive Plans (Tables)
Supplemental Cash Flow Information (Tables)
Other Comprehensive Income (Tables)
Quarterly Results (unaudited) (Tables)
Notes Details
General (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Investments (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Securities loaned and Recognition of premium revenues and contract charges, and related benefits and interest credited (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Goodwill (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Property and equipment (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Earnings per common share (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Accounting standards (Details)
Acquisition - Narrative (Details)
Acquisition - Amortization expense of intangible assets for the next five years and thereafter (Details)
Reporting Segments - Narrative (Details)
Reporting Segments - Reportable segments revenue information (Details)
Reporting Segments - Reportable segments financial performance (Details)
Reporting Segments - Performance data and tax items (Details)
Reporting Segments - Total assets and investments (Details)
Reporting Segments - Impacts of Tax Legislation (Details)
Investments - Amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses and fair value for fixed income securities (Details)
Investments - Scheduled maturities for fixed Income securities (Details)
Investments - Net investment income (Details)
Investments - Realized capital gains and losses by asset type (Details)
Investments - Realized capital gains and losses by transaction type (Details)
Investments - Other-than-temporary impairment losses by asset type (Details)
Investments - OTTI losses included in AOCI at the time of impairment for fixed income securities (Details)
Investments - Rollforward of the cumulative credit losses recognized in earnings for fixed income securities held (Details)
Investments - Unrealized net capital gains and losses included in AOCI (Details)
Investments - Change in unrealized net capital gains and losses (Details)
Investments - Continuous unrealized loss positions (Details)
Investments - Unrealized loss and Limited partnerships (Details)
Investments - Mortgage loans (Details)
Investments - Nonimpaired and impaired mortgage loans (Details)
Investments - Securities loaned and Other (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring and non-recurring basis (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Quantitative information about Level 3 instruments (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Rollforward of level 3 assets and liabilities held at fair value (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Change in level 3 assets and liabilities (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Carrying values and fair value estimates (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments - Summary of the volume and fair value positions (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments - Gross and net amounts for OTC derivatives (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments - Cash Flow Hedges (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments - Derivatives not designated as accounting hedges (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments - OTC derivatives counterparty credit exposure (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments - CDS notional amounts by credit rating (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Off-balance sheet Financial Instruments - Off balance sheet financial instruments (Details)
Reserve for Property-Liability Insurance Claims and Claims Expense - Rollforward of reserve for property and casualty insurance claims and claims expense (Details)
Reserve for Property-Liability Insurance Claims and Claims Expense - Incurred and claims expense narrative (Details)
Reserve for Property-Liability Insurance Claims and Claims Expense - Claims and allocated claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance (Details)
Reserve for Property-Liability Insurance Claims and Claims Expense - Average annual percentage payout of incurred claims by age, net of reinsurance (Details)
Reserve for Property-Liability Insurance Claims and Claims Expense - Reconciliation of the net incurred and paid claims development (Details)
Reserve for Life-Contingent Contract Benefits and Contractholder Funds - Reserve for life-contingent contract benefits (Details)
Reserve for Life-Contingent Contract Benefits and Contractholder Funds - Key assumptions (Details)
Reserve for Life-Contingent Contract Benefits and Contractholder Funds - Contractholder funds activity (Details)
Reserve for Life-Contingent Contract Benefits and Contractholder Funds - Variable annuity contracts with guarantees (Details)
Reserve for Life-Contingent Contract Benefits and Contractholder Funds - Summary of liabilities for guarantees (Details)
Reinsurance - Effects of reinsurance on property and casualty premiums (Details)
Reinsurance - Property and casualty reinsurance recoverable (Details)
Reinsurance - Industry pools and facilities (Details)
Reinsurance - Catastrophe reinsurance (Details)
Reinsurance - Per Occurrence Excess Agreement (Details)
Reinsurance - 2014-1 PCS Excess Agreement (Details)
Reinsurance - 2017-1 Excess Catastrophe Reinsurance Contract (Details)
Reinsurance - Florida Excess Catastrophe Reinsurance Agreement (Details)
Reinsurance - Sanders and New Jersey Reinsurance Agreement (Details)
Reinsurance - Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Florida and Southern States Reinsurance Agreement (Details)
Reinsurance - California E&S Earthquake Contract (Details)
Reinsurance - Asbestos, environmental and other, Allstate Financial (Details)
Reinsurance - Retention limits by period of policy issuance (Details)
Reinsurance - Reinsurance recoverables on paid and unpaid benefits (Details)
Deferred Policy Acquisition and Sales Inducement Costs (Details)
Capital Structure - Total debt outstanding (Details)
Capital Structure - Debt maturities (Details)
Capital Structure - Narrative (Details)
Capital Structure - Outstanding preferred stock (Details)
Company Restructuring - Narrative (Details)
Company Restructuring - Changes in the restructuring liability (Details)
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities - Leases (Details)
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities - Florida and Louisiana Citizens (Details)
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities - Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and California Earthquake Authority (Details)
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities - Texas Associations (Details)
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities - New Jersey and North Carolina (Details)
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities - Guaranty funds and Guarantees (Details)
Commitments, Guarantees and Contingent Liabilities - Other Narrative (Details)
Income Taxes - Narrative (Details)
Income Taxes - Reconciliation of unrecognized tax benefits (Details)
Income Taxes - Components of the deferred tax assets and liabilities (Details)
Income Taxes - Components of income tax expense (Details)
Income Taxes - Reconciliation of income tax rate (Details)
Statutory Financial Information and Dividend Limitations - Allstates domestic insurance subsidiaries (Details)
Statutory Financial Information and Dividend Limitations - Narrative (Details)
Benefit Plans - Obligations and funded status narrative (Details)
Benefit Plans - Funded status (Details)
Benefit Plans - Changes not yet recognized (Details)
Benefit Plans - Future amortization amounts (Details)
Benefit Plans - Changes in benefit obligations (Details)
Benefit Plans - Components of net periodic cost (Details)
Benefit Plans - Weighted average assumptions used (Details)
Benefit Plans - Change in pension plan assets (Details)
Benefit Plans - Weighted average target allocation and actual percentage (Details)
Benefit Plans - Fair Value of pension plan assets (Details)
Benefit Plans - Rollforward of level 3 plan assets (Details)
Benefit Plans - Pension plan assets narrative (Details)
Benefit Plans - Cash flows narrative (Details)
Benefit Plans - Estimated future benefit payments (Details)
Benefit Plans - Allstate 401(k) savings plan (Details)
Equity Incentive Plans - Narrative (Details)
Equity Incentive Plans - Option grant assumptions (Details)
Equity Incentive Plans - Summary of option activity (Details)
Equity Incentive Plans - Changes in restricted stock units (Details)
Equity Incentive Plans - Changes in performance stock awards (Details)
Supplemental Cash Flow Information - Narrative (Details)
Supplemental Cash Flow Information - Net change (Details)
Other Comprehensive Income (Details)
Quarterly Results (unaudited) (Details)
Schedule I - Summary of Investments Other than Investments in Related Parties (Details)
Schedule II - Condensed Financial Information of Registrant - Statement of Operations (Details)
Schedule II - Condensed Financial Information of Registrant - Financial Position (Details)
Schedule II - Condensed Financial Information of Registrant - Cash Flows (Details)
Schedule II - Condensed Financial Information of Registrant - Narrative (Details)
Schedule III - Supplementary Insurance Information (Details)
Schedule IV - Reinsurance (Details)
Schedule V - Valuation Allowances and Qualifying Accounts (Details)
All Reports
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